Plumbing - Hints But Tips
Most good plumbers will recommend replacing a gate valve regardless of its condition. The time to discover if it will work is not during a flood in your bathroom. If you have it replaced with a ball valve then check your water heater and laundry valves, too. Have them replaced at the same time with premium ball valves. Ball valve laundry bibbs make it easy to shut off the water to the washer after each use which may help to prevent floods in the future.
Another cause of interior leaks is accidental in nature. A homeowner is innocently hanging a new picture on the wall when suddenly... her hand is wet! Without realizing it, she punctured a pipe with the nail. If running toilet calls quickly, a plumber can patch the hole or replace that section of pipe and prevent any further damage. The pipes within the walls may be difficult to locate, so take care whenever you redecorate. And if you're starting a DIY home improvement project, please make sure that you know which walls are safe to knock down!
plumber works If you need to add copper pipe make sure that you clean the old and new pipe by using sandpaper, inside and out. If it's not clean the solder will not flow into the joint. Another tip is to not over wrap the mail threaded pipe with tape, this can cause a leak. Twice around should be enough. Also, don't over tighten it.

water line repair Don't forget the phone book. Look under plumbers and drain services to find the local pros closest to you. The phone book is a good start, but there is more you can learn if you are willing to go online.
In some cases, these are in pantries or garages rather than in the open area of the home, especially when there is no basement. Most of the time these are vertical pipes but they can be horizontal in some cases.
water line repair Washing Machine. Inspect your washing machine hose and the machine itself. Same procedure with the dishwasher, place the papers underneath and do your laundry. Any sign of wet parts on the paper is a sign that there are leaks on the machine. It is also highly advisable to check the external hose for any dripping as well as any loose connection on the faucet.
After you have checked these areas, take a close look around the refrigerator, both inside and outside. Is there any usual condensation that could indicate a water leak somewhere? Is the icemaker hose fastened securely to the water line? Check also for any water spots on the floor, as these are typically clear signs of a water leak somewhere.
If you bought the same unit it should line right up, if you were unable, you will need to remove or add length to the existing piping. This may require you to splice together copper with plastic, don't let this scare you the hardware store will have all of the necessary parts.